Using Stickers to Teach Multiplication

Good Morning, Friends!

A few weeks ago, my kiddos were getting a basic introduction to multiplication through repeated addition and arrays and you can read about that here!
One of the ways I got my students really engaged though, was by using stickers! Yes, stickers! I literally had an entire BOX of stickers in a cabinet. I pulled them out, spread them across a table, and with all the “ooohs and aaahhhs” you’d have thought I laid out gold coins, or bubble gum (anyone have kids obsessed with gum?)!!
What did we do with the stickers? We made arrays, of course!
Each of my sweets chose whatever stickers they liked best, and then created his/her own array. Then they wrote a repeated addition sentence, and a multiplication sentence to describe the array.
This was the example I made and showed my students. They created their own arrays, using whatever numbers they wanted…it just couldn’t be exactly the same as mine!
So easy, so fun, and oh so engaging! 
Looking for more ways you can use craft supplies with your students? I’m linked up with Kim over at Life Over C’s as part of her Learning with Craft Supplies: 21 Day Series.