Thankful ABCs

I’m going to keep this short, and to the point. I wanted my students to write about what they’re thankful for, but I didn’t just want a plain list. I thought having them try to think of something they’re thankful for that begins with each letter of the alphabet would be more fun, and add … Read more

26 Thanksgiving Read-Alouds


Halloween seems an appropriate day to dust off the cobwebs on my little ol’ blog, and share some of my favorite Thanksgiving read-alouds. Favorite Thanksgiving Read-Alouds Thanksgiving is easily one of my most favorite times of the year, and I’ve collected Thanksgiving themed read-alouds since I first started teaching.  There’s so many Thanksgiving books I … Read more

Books to Build a Community of Learners


It’s no secret that I love books! I especially love books that help my students understand kindness, community, friendships, and teach valuable life lessons. The follow list of books is pretty extensive back-to-school read aloud list. I don’t read these all in one day, but rather spread them out over the course of the first … Read more

Class Jobs Made Easy


It’s no secret that I am a MAJOR fan of class jobs – I mean…many hands make light work, right? Aside from having 20 or so helpers around the classroom, there’s a whole bunch of other reasons I think class jobs are super important: Helps build a sense of community…this is OUR classroom Gives students … Read more

How to Have Meaningful Classroom Conversations


My students love to talk. #chattiestclassever But I don’t want them to just be talkers. I want them to be thinkers too. And, I want them to be able to support what they’re thinking with reasons. That’s when I started using discussion starters. Keep reading to find out how you can try discussion starters FREE. … Read more

Easiest Management Trick for the Last Days of School


It’s official…the aliens have arrived, and taken over my sweet little first graders. It actually happened a couple of weeks ago. #facepalm I needed to get my kiddos under control and keep the calm #likeyesterday. So you know all those adorable stickers at Target that are only $1??? Well, I buy them like I need … Read more

Must-Read Books for Elementary Teachers

Must Read Books for Elementary Teachers

If you’re looking for must-read books for elementary teachers, then you’re in the right place. It’s almost summertime, and I’m already thinking about what professional development books I’d like to read. I don’t really get to do much PD reading during the school year because I’m just so dang busy. #teacherproblems With so many teacher … Read more

Book Review: Sneaky Spinach


I love books. I love picture books. I love BRAND NEW picture books. Enter: Sneaky Spinach! Each year, we spend about a week talking about making healthy food choices – you know…being able to tell the difference between healthy food and junk food. The problem, is that I was missing a really good quality read … Read more

Positive Notes Home – Shark Week Edition


Happy SHARK WEEK, y’all! I’m excited to be linking up with Jenny from Luckeyfrog’s Lilypad and Matt from Digital: Divide and Conquer for a fun blog hop filled with shark-themed freebies! I’m moving to first grade this year, and since I’ve never taught sweet firsties before, I wanted my freebie to be something that I … Read more

6 Things You Must Know About Anchor Charts


Gone are the days when I would fill/decorate the walls of my classroom with pre-made posters found in various stores, catalogs, etc… Now, students and parents come in to a room in August that has nothing but empty bulletin boards. Breathe. There is always colorful paper, and cute border, and sometimes even headers, however, they … Read more