Books to Teach Opinion Writing

If you’re looking for books and mentor texts to teach opinion writing, you’re in the right place.

Teaching opinion writing can be a challenge, however, I’ve found that picture book mentor texts can make all the difference in helping students understand different writing opinion pieces.

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Using picture books to teach opinion writing gives students an example of what their writing can look like, as well as teach what writers do.

Why use mentor texts?

Using picture books to teach opinion writing gives students an example of what their writing can look like, and can help model different components of their writing.

How to Books to Teach Opinion Writing?

I like to read a mentor text in its entirety, then be able to refer back to it on a different day, or multiple days as needed.

Below you’ll find my favorite opinion writing mentor texts that I tend to use year and year.

Books to Teach Opinions

To help students understand what an opinion is, and how to support their opinion with reasons and examples, I use opinion writing mentor texts:

Books to Teach Opinion Writing

To help students with the actual writing process and structure, I use these opinion writing mentor texts:

Resources to Launch Opinion Writing

Looking for resources to help your students understand the difference between a fact and an opinion? Or perhaps you want your students to learn how to form and state an opinion before beginning to write an opinion piece. Opinion Writing Launch Activities are hands-on, engaging, and your students will LOVE them!

Looking for resources to help your students understand the difference between a fact and an opinion? Or perhaps you want your students to learn how to form and state an opinion before beginning to write an opinion piece. Opinion Writing Launch Activities are hands-on, engaging, and your students will LOVE them!

If you’re looking for resources to lead your students through the writing process so that they have a completed opinion writing piece, then Opinion Writing Resources will help you! Students will brainstorm, plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish an opinion writing piece.

If you're looking for resources to lead your students through the writing process so that they have a completed opinion writing piece, then Opinion Writing Resources will help you! Students will brainstorm, plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish an opinion writing piece.

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