Easiest Management Trick for the Last Days of School

It’s official…the aliens have arrived, and taken over my sweet little first graders.

It actually happened a couple of weeks ago. #facepalm

I needed to get my kiddos under control and keep the calm #likeyesterday.

So you know all those adorable stickers at Target that are only $1??? Well, I buy them like I need them. I have more stickers than I know what to do with.

Except now, I know what to do with them. And it’s embarrassingly simple. Like, give them to kids, DUH! All thanks to Erin from The Elementary Darling! You have to see what she did at Halloween!

So basically, I started carrying stickers with me everywhere. In the hallways, to and from specials, to and from lunch, to and from recess. And they’re pretty much a sheet of stickers on every surface in my classroom.

And then, I pass out stickers like I’m Oprah giving away cars at Christmas.

So typically, I don’t “reward” students for normal things that are just plain classroom exceptions…but it’s the end of the year, and as previously mentioned – the aliens have taken over.

For some classes, I think just earning stickers would work. And for awhile, just the satisfaction of earning a sticker worked. But, we’re in the last few weeks of school, and I’ve got to pull out all the stops.

So, I created this simple (but super effective) sticker chart. There are spaces for 20 stickers.

How does it work? #supersimple

  1. Kids earn stickers.
  2. Kids place stickers on their sticker chart.
  3. Kids turn in completed sticker chart for a prize (treasure box, gum, candy, pencils, etc…)
  4. Kids get a new sticker chart and continue earning stickers.
  5. Repeat.
You can grab the sticker chart I use for the end of the year HERE. Or by clicking the picture below.
I’d love to know what you use to help keep the calm for the last days of the school year.

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