#2getherwearebetter: Classroom Reveal


DRUMROLL PLEASE……it’s time for the 2015-2016 classroom reveal! Hooray! One of my favorite parts about going back to school is getting to look at everyone’s classrooms! I just love stalking seeing pictures of all the classrooms out there! I mean, seriously there are about 8 billion classroom layouts out there! But ya’ll, that picture up there? Yeah, … Read more

Back to School: Read Alouds


Happy Wednesday, Friends! I’ve been spending lots of time in my classroom this week hoping to have it ready by the time teachers go back on the 27th (of July)! There’s just so many meetings and other things to do during pre-planning, I do NOT want to have to still be figuring out where the … Read more

Back-to-School: Birthday Display


It’s getting REAL, friends! I go back to work 3 weeks from today. Although, I’ll definitely be heading to my classroom before then! If you want to know how I survive the B2S RUSH – you can read some tips and tricks that keep me SANE here! I’m moving classrooms (it’s actually already moved, thank … Read more

How to Rock Your First Year Teaching


It wasn’t that long ago that I received a phone call telling me I’d gotten a job as a teacher, and would I accept! Ummm, duh!!!! It was definitely one of the moments in which I had to keep my composure on the phone and as soon as we hung up, I was jumping around … Read more

How to Keep Community Supplies Organized


Happy Summer Sunday! At least…I think it’s Sunday anyway šŸ˜‰ Anyone else not have a clue about what day of the week it is??? I’m excited to be linking up with the other Primary Peach bloggers to bring you some fantastic organizational tips. We’ll be sharing our favorites tips and tools to help you {and … Read more

How to Organize Your Summer


Hooray for summer!!! As I mentioned in my last post, I use summer as a catch-up time. The problem is that before I know it, I’ve watched the entire series of FRIENDS from beginning to end, watched several Real Housewives marathons, caught up on every episode of Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, House of Cards, and Blacklist, … Read more

Fun with Line Plots


I love teaching math! Kind of ironic considering I wasn’t a “math person” until college! We finished up learning about line plots a couple weeks ago, and boy oh boy, did my kiddos have fun! I don’t know if it was because they were so interactive or the sticky notes (because what love of learning … Read more