Introducing…The Primary Peach {and end of the year freebies!}


So here in Georgia most of us are starting to count down the days until the end of the school year, and let’s be honest…it’s a hectic time! I mean there’s grade changes, school changes, classroom changes, EOY assessments, DRAs, report cards, RtI meetings, Annual IEP meetings…the list literally goes on and on. Plus, if … Read more

Using Stickers to Teach Multiplication

Good Morning, Friends! A few weeks ago, my kiddos were getting a basic introduction to multiplication through repeated addition and arrays and you can read about that here! One of the ways I got my students really engaged though, was by using stickers! Yes, stickers! I literally had an entire BOX of stickers in a … Read more

25 Days of Christmas…Books!


I LOVE Christmas (decorations, shopping for the perfect gift, giving the perfect gift, cookies & baking, carols, and of course, THE reason for the season)! I also LOVE kid books – hmmm…maybe that’s why I became a teacher? (I kid – anyone who knows me, knows it’s because I love office supplies).  When you combine … Read more

Sneak-a-Peek, Meet the Teacher, Back to School Night, Open House…

My current district calls the time when students and parents come in to meet their new teacher “Sneak-a-Peek,” but I know from experience that it’s not called that everywhere…some call it Meet the Teacher, Back-to-School Night, Open House…whatever you call it…this post is dedicated to it! Let’s be honest for a second here…I have a … Read more

Literacy Block Organization & a Freebie!


Hey Friends! I’ve been “Digging into Next Year” (ummm, I only have 1 month before I go back to school – yikes!!!), and have “dug into” these topics (if you missed them, just click on the topic you’re interested in, and you’ll go straight to that post): Classroom Organization Math Workshop Classroom Management organize my … Read more