Secret Santa

The few weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas/Winter Break is intense. With so much craziness, the festive feeling can slip away pretty easily. Organize a “Secret Santa” exchange with free downloads for a fun way to keep things joyful and festive.

Organize a "Secret Santa" exchange with free downloads for a fun way to keep things joyful and festive.

What is Secret Santa?

You know, you pull someone’s name out of some sort of container, and then gift that person with small treats during the weeks between Thanksgiving break and Christmas/Winter break.

But, who has the time or money?

Secret Santa doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Check Pinterest, the dollar section at Target, Dollar Tree, and don’t forget about DIY (hello, baked treats).

In the past, I’ve used a simple planning sheet (included below) to help me brainstorm, and plan so I don’t forget anything.

I went to the store once, bought a few things, and put each in a little bag, and had them ready to go. It was easy, and stress-free.

Want to organize a Secret Santa Exchange?

It’s pretty simple, and you don’t have to have a TON of people to participate. Secret Santa isn’t everyone’s thing and that’s ok. No pressure.

Organize a "Secret Santa" exchange with free downloads for a fun way to keep things joyful and festive.
  1. Download & Print the Secret Santa “kit”
  2. Make copies of the participant form
  3. Have participants fill it out – skip questions that don’t apply to you
  4. Set a date for forms to be completed – I literally give only a day or 2
    • Optional but recommended: copy the forms…someone will lose the original
  5. Participants choose names
    • Optional but recommended: keep a list of participants and the name they picked
Organize a "Secret Santa" exchange with free downloads for a fun way to keep things joyful and festive.

You’ll need to decide on how long you want it to last. I’ve done just one week, but also done some where they last the entire time between Thanksgiving Break and Christmas/Winter Break.

Included in the free downloadable kit:

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